

Mujer Ingeniera

Built with React Native, the MujerIngeniera app is a blog and a list of motivational quotes for women in engineering. It shows all the content of consuming an API in PHP, it includes Firebase and HSM push notifications and deep linking for iOS and Android.

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Mujer Ingeniera

How I developed

An app for women in STEM


✓ Easily access to all the content of A blog with news, experiences, and relevant information for women in STEM.
✓ Includes the exclusive Phrases section, a list of motivational quotes that you can save or share.
✓ Receive notifications with the phrase of the day and also when new content is published.


The Mujer Ingeniera app supports deep linking, a universal navigation scheme to provide the user with the most integrated mobile experience with the website.

Push notifications with FCM and HMS Push Kit were integrated customizing Intent URIs that take users directly to specific content in the application: A new post, a specific section, tag, or the quote of the day!

Technical advantages

Built with the cross-platform development framework React Native. An excellent alternative for only one woman developer responsible to execute the entire mobile life cycle for Android and iOS including:

Target audience

Engineering and gender equality are vital to achieving the sustainable development of our society and for this reason, Mujer Ingeniera works with the mission of informing girls and women what it means to make engineering a lifestyle.

Since 2018, the website has received 118K+ page views from users in 125 countries. So far, four female engineers from different disciplines have voluntarily joined the writing team and shared their experience with an audience of 36K+ followers on social media.

Last International Women in Engineering Day - INWED 2021, more than 2.5 million people were organically reached.

Visual design

The visual design of the application is guided by the brand identity of Mujer Ingeniera, which maintains the same style both on the website, mobile applications, and social networks.

Its characteristic pink is used as the primary color in the main calls to action. The top bar keeps the logo and, inside the blog, shows a navigation rail with all the sections.

Articles are displayed in a list of cards with buttons to share and go to reading view. The bottom navigation menu is also provided to access the Blog or the exclusive Phrases section.

Social value

The Mujer Ingeniera app will be promoted to continue motivating students and professionals so that every day we are more women in engineering. The participation of women in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is necessary to achieve gender equality and with it, the sustainable development of our society.

© Jiovanna 2021